World News

New ‘Green’ Jeans Said to Remove Harmful Emissions From the Air
New ‘Green’ Jeans Said to Remove Harmful Emissions From the Air
New ‘Green’ Jeans Said to Remove Harmful Emissions From the Air
A chemist and a fashion designer have collaborated to create jeans that they say will remove harmful emissions from the air just by wearing them around. Tony Ryan, a chemist at Sheffield University in England and Professor Helen Storey of the London College of Fashion are the two behind the 'green' jeans and, according to the Daily Mail, here is how they work: "The jeans are coated with parti
Do You Dream About Being an Olympic Athlete? Well Here’s Your Chance
Do You Dream About Being an Olympic Athlete? Well Here’s Your Chance
Do You Dream About Being an Olympic Athlete? Well Here’s Your Chance
The 2012 London Olympics are well underway now and it’s about that time when everyone begins to wonder to themselves, “why isn’t that me competing at Olympics?” Well unless you have been training since you where a new born your chance of making that team now are slim to none. But that doesn’t mean ...
Disturbing al Qaeda Graphic Sparks FBI Investigation
Disturbing al Qaeda Graphic Sparks FBI Investigation
Disturbing al Qaeda Graphic Sparks FBI Investigation
It seems al Qaeda, the group responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, fancies itself a graphics design powerhouse as well. The creepy image above, which depicts the New York City skyline with the caption “Al Qaeda Coming Soon Again in New York,” was posted on a radical overseas website, and police and the FBI are investigating.
US Soldier Accused of Afghanistan Massacre Said “I Did It”, Flown Out Of Country
US Soldier Accused of Afghanistan Massacre Said “I Did It”, Flown Out Of Country
US Soldier Accused of Afghanistan Massacre Said “I Did It”, Flown Out Of Country
An already tense situation may have just gotten worse, with US officials removing the US Soldier accused of the Afghan civilian shootings from the country. According to reports, the soldier in question was seen on a surveillance video approaching the Belandai special forces base with his weapon covered in a cloth...
US Soldier Kills 16 Afghan Civilians In Their Homes [UPDATE]
US Soldier Kills 16 Afghan Civilians In Their Homes [UPDATE]
US Soldier Kills 16 Afghan Civilians In Their Homes [UPDATE]
UPDATE:  According to MSNBC, though no protests or demonstrations were seen Monday morning, the Afghan Taliban has pledged to take revenge against the “sick-minded American Savages”, “The American ‘terrorists’ want to come up with an excuse for the perpetrator of this inhumane crime by claiming that this immoral culprit was mentally ill.  If the perpetrators of thi... Read More ...
What Websites Went Dark For the SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
What Websites Went Dark For the SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
What Websites Went Dark For the SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
On Tuesday, we told you about some of the sites — Wikipedia, Reddit and the Cheezburger network among them — that planned to go dark today in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), anti-piracy legislation under consideration by the US Congress. They weren’t the only stops on the internet to take a stand — here’s a roundup of some of the most prominent peaceful prot
Wikipedia (and others) to Shut Down in Protest of Proposed SOPA and PIPA Legislation [VIDEO]
Wikipedia (and others) to Shut Down in Protest of Proposed SOPA and PIPA Legislation [VIDEO]
Wikipedia (and others) to Shut Down in Protest of Proposed SOPA and PIPA Legislation [VIDEO]
Do you use the internet? Do you think the government, any government, should have the power to decide what sites you have access to? There are two a new pieces of legislation in the works called SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) and some say thew will do anything but protect the internet...

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