Felicia Day, known for her recurring role on 'Supernatural' and her online-gaming inspired web series 'The Guild', had her personal email and home address leaked onto the internet after she expressed concerns over the GamerGate controversy.

To sum it up, GamerGate is the ongoing controversy between game developers, game critics, and overly passionate gamers.  While "GamerGaters" have expressed their side as demanding more ethics in video game journalism, their methods of harassing and threatening female gamers, critics, and developers have overshadowed the issue. After independent game developer Zoe Quinn's ex-boyfriend accused Quinn of trading sexual favors for good press about her new game, accusations that were quickly deemed incorrect, Quinn was bombarded with death and rape threats from gamers.  Social commentator Anita Sarkeesian has also been the recipient of threats and internet trolling due to her anti-gaming videos, where she has been accused of incorrectly depicting video games or ignoring examples of games that disproves her points, and disabling commenting on her videos and refusing to engage in debates with others.  Sarkeesian recently cancelled her speaking appearance at Utah State University after threats of violence and the university being unable to assure security with the state's concealed carry laws.

Felicia Day, a geek icon and passionate gamer, took to her Tumblr account to express her concerns over GamerGate and the impact it is making on the gaming community,

So seeing another gamer on the street used to be an auto-smile opportunity, or an entry into a conversation starting with, “Hey, dude! I love that game too!” Me and that stranger automatically had something in common: A love for something unconventional. Outsiders in arms. We had an auto-stepping stone to hurtle over human-introduction-awkwardness, into talking about something we loved together. Instant connection!

But for the first time maybe in my life, on that Saturday afternoon, I walked towards that pair of gamers and I didn’t smile. I didn’t say hello. In fact, I crossed the street so I wouldn’t walk by them. Because after all the years of gamer love and inclusiveness, something had changed in me. A small voice of doubt in my brain now suspected that those guys and I might not be comrades after all. That they might not greet me with reflected friendliness, but contempt.

I went home and was totally, utterly depressed.

I have not said many public things about Gamer Gate. I have tried to leave it alone, aside from a few @ replies on Twitter that journalists have decided to use in their articles, siding me against the hashtag. Why have I remained mostly silent?

Self-protection and fear.

Within an hour of expressing her opinions on GamerGate, a commenter with a pro-GamerGate username, hacked Day's personal information and posted her home address and personal email information.  While many have spoken out against GamerGate, the trolling and threats have been isolated to females, a point that former NFL player Chris Kluwe passionately expressed on Twitter,

None of you f***ing #gamergate tools tried to dox me, even after I tore you a new one. I’m not even a tough target…

Instead, you go after a woman who wrote why your movement concerns her.  F*** #Gamergate and anyone aligned with it.

While the misogynistic harassment of female gamers is unfortunately nothing new, GamerGate has brought it to widespread attention, with many internet providers and video game companies reconsidering their policies on online harassment.  Day herself has admitted to being harassed in the past while gaming, with stalkers even coming to her front door to confront her.

Day's love of gaming included creating two music videos about gaming for her internet series 'The Guild'; 'Do You Want To Date My Avatar' and 'Game On'.

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