
Florida Coast Invaded By 8 Foot Tall Lego Man [VIDEO]
Florida Coast Invaded By 8 Foot Tall Lego Man [VIDEO]
Florida Coast Invaded By 8 Foot Tall Lego Man [VIDEO]
Did you have Lego toys when you were a kid? I did. But I never built an 8 foot tall Lego man! Someone did, and he washed ashore in Florida just the other day. Due to his ... shall we say ... unorthodox entry the United States, he's currently being held in Sarasota, Florida, police custody...
Giant Lego Ball
Giant Lego Ball
Giant Lego Ball
I know this is bogus, I saw Myth Busters shred it while I was on the treadmill this morning, but it's still fun!  And you have to love the Indiana Jones costumes and music.