When temperatures rapidly plunged to below freezing, most people brought their pets inside to keep them warm. However, one central Texas teacher went the extra mile, to protect the class fish, named Bubbles, from the incoming winter storm.

Mr. Raney is an elementary school teacher at Forest North Elementary School, in Round Rock, Texas. He didn’t want the class fish to freeze to death over the course of the winter storm, so he decided to take Bubbles home with him.

With the winter storm rapidly approaching, the Round Rock Independent School District, along with several other school districts in the state, decided to close all their campuses on both Thursday, and Friday.  Mr. Raney didn’t want Bubbles to freeze to death over the next four days. So, on Wednesday afternoon, after class was dismissed, he took the fish home with him.

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However, Mr. Raney didn’t put Bubbles in a flimsy zip-lock baggie filled with water. No, he actually took the entire fish tank home with him. That’s right! He put the whole tank in the front passenger seat of his car, so that he could care for the Bubbles at home over the next few days.

If you still haven't brought your pets indoor yet, please do so. Temperatures are expected to drop into the single digits over the next couple of nights. Let’s keep our pets safe, and warm, by bringing them inside until it warms up, and all the snow, and ice finally melts.

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