Backdoor Theatre Presents ‘Love Letters’ For Valentine’s Day
Believe it or not, there was a time before texting, before messaging apps, even before cell phones. It was in those times, before you could text 143 or 381 to your BAE, that you actually had to sit down with pen and paper and write a letter.
Most likely in cursive.
Then drop it into the mailbox and wait for it to be delivered.
Those heartfelt missives became known as 'Love Letters' and that's the theme of the very first scripted production for 2021 from Backdoor Theatre.
According to the description on their event page, Love Letters tells the story of two lifelong, complicated friends over a period of five decades. It's both a tragedy and a comedy, and examines the shared nostalgia, missed opportunities, and deep closeness of these two friends.
In short, guys, it's what your wife or girlfriend wants you to take her to for a Valentine's Day gift. Flowers would also be a good idea.
Because the flood damage repairs to Backdoor's facility are still underway, Love Letters will be performed in the MPEC theatre on Friday and Saturday evening, February 12th and 13th. This is a Dinner Theatre production and includes a prime rib meal before the performance. Couples tickets are $65 if you buy them this week. The price goes up to $75 on February 1st. You can purchase tickets online here.
The doors will open at 6:00, dinner will be served at 6:30, and the show will begin at 7:30 p.m.
If you can't make it to the show but still want to help out in their rebuilding efforts to recover from last summer's flooding event you can do that here.
While that repair work is being done Backdoor Theatre has coordinated with other local venues like the MPEC to keep producing shows. While Love Letters is the first scripted performance of 2021 they've also begun their spring season of Evening of Improv comedy shows. There are three more of those on the calendar on February 20th, March 20th, and April 17th.
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