Blankets of Love Donation Drive in Wichita Falls This Saturday
Have you ever heard of an organization called Blankets of Love? Until recently neither had we. Then we got clued in to a donation drive they’re doing this weekend.
Blankets of Love is a one of a kind, nationally recognized animal welfare and disaster relief organization. They provide towels, blankets and food for our furry family members in times of disaster and the local chapter, sponsored by the Epsilon Eta philanthropic sorority, is having a donation drive this Saturday (October 27th).
The local Blankets of Love organization provides towels, blankets and other items for P.E.T.S. and pet rescue shelters in the Wichita Falls, Henrietta, Iowa Park and Graham areas as well as other communities in North Texas.
The Junior High Camp Fire girls will be helping out at the drop-off points and they’d love it if you could swing by Wichita Pet Supply at 4006 Call Field Road, Sutherlands at 1401 Southwest Parkway, or Tractor Supply Company at 2816 Southwest Parkway between 10 and 2 this Saturday and donate some blankets or towels. They don’t need to be fancy, but they do need to be clean. Dog and cat food donations will also be accepted at each of these locations, but the local Blankets of Love organizers ask that you please do not donate cash or checks.