Border Patrol Agent’s Sign Says Halloween Candy For Americans Only
The magic of Halloween runs thick when you're a parent. You spend weeks picking out and preparing the perfect costume for your little ones; days listening to them speculate about their forthcoming candy stashes. Then Halloween night arrives, ahhh. The decorations are in full bloom, the glow sticks are activated and fresh candy sacks eagerly dangle from your offspring's tiny wrists. The only thing that could make the night more magical is your precious child having to prove his or her citizenship to get a fun-sized Snickers.
A Border Patrol agent is being criticized for a sign posted outside his home in a border patrol housing complex in Presidio, Texas, this Halloween.
The sign, written in Spanish, read "Sólo las familias Americanas recibirán dulces," which translates to "Only American families will receive candy."
According to News West 9, the agent was demanding trick-or-treaters (children) to speak English to prove their citizenship.
Border Patrol issued a statement regarding the sign, saying it regrets its employee posted the sign, it doesn't reflect the opinion of the agency, and they respect all people regardless of their culture, nationality or country of origin.
[HT: News West 9]