Rich, near universal lyrics are the signature of the new Eli Young Band song, "Break It In." The mid-tempo, Texas country-rocker gets around to being the broken-hearted love song you're expecting, but takes shape in the memories of growing up anywhere in America.

Writers Benjy Davis, Brandon Day, Daniel Ross and Michael Whitworth use baseball, a first guitar and your favorite pair of blue jeans to begin what takes shape as a circle-of-life story. Singer Mike Eli hammers the nostalgia before the full band erupts with a still raw, but powerful chorus that expresses the virtues of the well-worn things in life. "Break It In" is more likely to be found in a truck commercial than one for the latest iPhone — it's rugged and restrained, practical and familiar.

The toughness of this new Eil Young Band song barely lets up at the bridge. "Trucks break down and first love ends / Life goes on, and the world still spins / You find out your heart is stronger when / You break it in," Eli sings to begin the song's pivotal final moments. That's the moment the band hopes you'll soak in.

Did You Know?: Eli Young Band told Taste of Country that "Break It In" is the first song on their upcoming new studio album.

Essential 2000s Country Songs? Eli Young Band Have One:

Eli Young Band, "Break It In" Lyrics:

That little league glove it fit a little snug / It wouldn’t even close ,but coach said, "That’s how they make ‘em son" / Because soon enough it’ll take the shape of your hand / Yeah you fight that thing when it don’t wanna bend / Then you break it in.

That just-strung Gibson sitting in the window / Laid away every paycheck ’til I had enough to get it home / Played it all night long / Every song I wish I wrote / You think it sounds as good as it ever could right then / Then you break it in.

Like these dusty boots that walked me through the work that got me here / And these faded jeans with Skoal can rings I’ve worn out all these years / When the shine wears off, when you lose that gloss / There’s so much more underneath it all / You think that good is as good as it can get / Then you break it in.

That pickup truck that my dad picked up had a clutch / Man it took me all summer just to learn how to get the hang / But she loved that thing / On all those old back roads / You think good is a no-mud hood and no gravel dents / Then you break it in.

Trucks break down and first love ends / Life goes on, and the world still spins / You find out your heart is stronger when / You break it in.

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