Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line both have beautiful wives, which they show off to quite sultry effect in their latest video for single "Talk You Out of It." Instead of hiring models or actresses to enhance the storyline of a guy who decides that maybe he'd rather stay in with his sexy significant other than hit the town, the duo recruited Brittney Kelley and Hayley Hubbard to play the parts.

The result is undeniably steamy, displaying the authentic chemistry both couples have. And, while not exactly NSFW material, the visuals do flirt with at least a PG-13 rating. Brittney lounges, wet and seductive in a flower-filled bathtub, while Brian looks on approvingly. Meanwhile, a shirtless Tyler engages in a makeout session with Hayley. it getting a little hot in here?

The video, which was shot in a studio in Los Angeles, could only be fittingly themed as such—given the song's suggestive lyrics. "It’s the baby-making song on the album,” admits Tyler. “But really, BK and I are always challenging ourselves creatively and knew that we had to record it when we first heard it.”

Now that fans' appetites are well whetted, it's good to know that Florida Georgia Line are working on their eagerly anticipated fourth album, which is expected to drop in 2019.

Florida Georgia Line Have One!


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