Houston, TX: Man’s Garage Becomes Target of Daytime Robbery at Gunpoint
If this ever happens to me, I'm moving immediately
Can you imagine having a gun pulled on you in broad daylight in your own garage?

The man In the two videos below had exactly that happen to him.
Being followed
The victim told Houston police that he believed he was being followed home from work by the blue car. he parked his car in his garage, then got out to throw something away.
Give me your keys
That's when two armed men came into his garage and demanded the keys to his SUV.
Everything goes wrong for the two would-be robbers at this point. The keys to the SUV were inside a bag in the car, so one of the robbers looks around and grabs the bag, and runs off. The second robber jumps in the SUV in an attempt to start it up and drive off, but obviously could not without the keys.
The victim starts running after the robber with the bag when he turns around and fires a shot, which missed. He then drops the bag, and both thieves run away to eventually jump in the getaway vehicle.
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