April Fools' Day is coming up on us quickly. That one day of the year when jokers unite for some good old-fashioned pranks. It doesn't matter if you're an old pro or new at practical jokes, everybody could use some extra tricks in their arsenal. Some are simple but others can get more elaborate. I had someone prank me by having my car towed last year. Half the fun is getting even. Paybacks can be hell. Yeah, Dave, I'm talking to you, pal.

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I was brushing up on some good pranks for 2023 when I came across an article from Readers Digest. I figured with a household name like that, I should be able to find some good original ones to pull. I wasn't disappointed. Easy ones, difficult ones, gross ones, you name it. There's something for every prankster. Get a pen and pad ready, you might just want to jot these down.


Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

Brussels Pop

This is a great one to pull on the kids. Just unwrap a lollipop and replace the candy with a Brussels sprout. Offer the re-wrapped suckers and watch the fun. Laugh it off afterward with real pops.


Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

Bug Alert

Expecting visitors at your home? Just print out a sign saying "This Property Infested With Bugs" and watch their reaction.


Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

The Old Switcharoo

This is a classic but can be borderline cruel. Pull this one around coffee drinkers. Just switch out the sugar for salt. When they go to fix up their cup of Joe, what a surprise they'll have when they take their first sip.


Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

Oh No Oreo

Here's a good one that's easy to pull off. Everybody loves Oreos. Just separate some and replace the filling with toothpaste. Offer them up and presto. Happy April Fools' Day.


Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

Poo on the Shoe

Another classic perfect for those who you want to gross out. Simply smear some chunky peanut butter on their shoe when they're not looking. Trust me, when they see it, they won't think it's peanut butter...if you know what I mean.


Photo: Canva
Photo: Canva

Soup Shower

I've been wanting to try this one but it takes some prep work. Get access to your victim's shower head, unscrew it, and stick a bouillon cube inside. Whether it's beef or chicken, this is hilarious.

Of course, everything is all in good fun. Pulling pranks has been a part of April Fool's Day for as long as I can remember. I have younger sisters who just begged to be picked on. It was a fun time growing up. Have you pulled any good pranks?

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Foods That Are Most-Associated With Easter

Every holiday has its traditions - especially when it comes to food. Here's a look at those specific foods that are most-associated with the Easter holiday.

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