As if traffic wasn’t bad enough in Dallas, a stoplight quickly flashing between red and green made things much worse. 

I’m not sure what I would do in this situation. Hopefully, I’ll never be put in that position, because the truth is, I would probably be like most of the people and just sit there, confused at hell. 

Someone commenting on the video pointed out that in that situation, the intersection should become a 4-way stop. But it looks to me as if the other light is working because you see people in the opposite lane turning ahead.

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So, if the people in the opposite lane are unaware the light is faulty, they wouldn’t know the intersection should be a 4-way stop. This could lead to a wreck and/or at the very least, road rage. 

The video is only 9 seconds long, so it’s not clear how long the cars were stuck at the stoplight. If it went on for too much longer, I expect to see a few road rage videos come out of the same intersection.

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