Texas is consistently ranked among the most dangerous states to drive in. Here’s why. 

While I’m far from perfect, I strive to be among the most defensive drivers on the road. I don’t trust turn signals (or a lack of them), I always slow down at intersections and look left, right, and left again before crossing a road. You can’t be too safe behind the wheel.

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However, sometimes it doesn’t feel like others take driving seriously enough. 

For instance, I see someone staring at their phone while driving almost every time I’m on the road. People know distracted driving is a problem, yet they can’t seem to resist the urge to look at their phones. 

Distracted driving accounted for almost one in six crashes in Texas in 2023, making it among the states with the highest distraction rates. Distracted driving isn’t limited to looking at your phone. Eating, grooming, and having a conversation are distractions.

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Mural in Wichita Falls, Texas Arcade Depicts Trump Beheading

But as bad as the statistics are for distracted driving in the Lone Star State, we have an even bigger problem. 

Texas has the second-highest rate of drunk driving in the U.S. The state was one of only three in which more than 40% of traffic deaths involved drunk driving in 2022. Think about it. Drunk driving accounts for almost half of traffic fatalities. That’s an alarming statistic. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. All it takes is for each one of us to do our part to make our roads a little safer.

Car Crash with police

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Texas Police Codes with Descriptions

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