Actress and singer Laura Bell Bundy welcomed a baby boy on Monday (May 20). She shared the happy news via Instagram, including a photo of the bundle of joy, whom she and husband Thom Hinkle have named Huck.

Huck Hinkle was born Monday afternoon and weighed 7 lbs., the proud mom shares alongside a series of photos, including one of her smiling:

"He's perfect. We are so blessed," Bundy says.

Huck is the couple's first child, and husband Thom was right by the "Giddy on Up" hitmaker's side when she delivered — but it was a wild ride, Bundy says.

"It was a doozy. Thom Hinkle was the perfect husband. I was an insane person and avoided pain meds. He was so supportive. We are both in love with our little man!" she explains.

Bundy and her husband of nearly two years announced their pregnancy in February, sharing then that their baby boy was due on May 31, so he arrived early.

“Thank goodness for the circle of life, and the blessings we feel we’ve received from our recently departed angels,” Bundy remarked earlier this year, referring to the deaths of both her father Donald Bundy and maternal grandmother over the past year. “We are so grateful.”

In true Bundy fashion, the Broadway actress kept it real throughout pregnancy, often coming to fans with some of the health struggles she was experiencing.

“I was crazy nauseous, had headaches only cured by Coca-Cola,massive food aversions, craved fruit & starchy carbs and was going to bed at PM,” she wrote in March. “Quite a change from my normal burning of the midnight oil.”

Of course, she will certainly be burning that midnight oil again with the arrival of this new little one!


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