Let’s Celebrate National Hugging Day By Hugging Some Strangers [VIDEO]
Who knew? Today is a national holiday! January 21st is National Hugging Day! Seriously, it's a real holiday. In fact, today is the 30 year anniversary of the holiday. It was first celebrated on January 21, 1986 in Clio, Michigan.
The holiday was created when a man named Kevin Zaborney decided that the time period between Christmas and Valentines Day was sad for some people. To lift their spirits, there needed to be a day where you were encouraged to go out and hug your family and friends.
Besides being National Hugging Day, it's also #ThrowbackThursday. It's like these things were just destined to work out together. The video above is a throwback to another hugging holiday. Every year, August 2nd is National Hug A DJ Day. To celebrate, I went to the Sikes Senter Mall in Wichita Falls and got some hugs.
Enjoy your celebration of today's holiday and spread some hugs around. One word of advice, make sure you get permission before hugging any strangers.
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