Myth of The Snow That Won’t Melt Gets Debunked [VIDEO]
It's not often that the south gets hit with snow, but it happened this year. The result, besides shutting down traffic, was many conspiracy theories. The interwebs blew up with many videos like this one. Showing how the snow didn't melt when a lighter was held up to it.
Now, I'll be the first to admit, I love a good conspiracy theory. People were speculating many different things about this. Could it be that the snow was actually plastic? did it have to do with chemtrails from airplanes flying over? Was it Obama's fault?
I grew up in Kansas. We get snow there. In all the years living there though, I'd never held a lighter up to a snowball. I was intrigued. That's when one of my facebook friends showed me this video. In it, Phil Plait uses simple science to show people why the snow doesn't melt like they would expect. He also writes a blog and explained it even more in depth there.
So, there ya go. No crazy government conspiracy. No plastics in the snow. It's just really a matter of people who are never exposed to snow and not knowing what to do with it. But I am now left wondering, what inspired someone to put a lighter up to a snowball in the first place?