Watch a Steer Plow Through Women at North Texas Rodeo
More proof that money makes people crazy.
First and foremost, I need to point out that while I’m no cowboy, my dad was a cattle buyer. So, I was brought up in cowboy culture.
I started working cattle when I was a teenager. And the first thing I was taught is that you always respect the cattle – especially bulls and steers. Your best bet is to keep a fence between yourself and the cattle, if at all possible.

So, I was shocked when I saw the video from ladies night during the rodeo in Cleburne, Texas.
Admittedly, it’s been years since I’ve been to a rodeo, so maybe the “steer scramble” thing is common these days. I don’t know.
What I do know is that getting in front of a charging steer in an attempt to pull a ribbon off its head is a good way to get yourself killed.
Hopefully, the women who were charged and/or trampled are okay. Because they’re going to need more than that $200 prize money to cover their medical bills.
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