It’s quickly become a Wichita Falls tradition and a great fundraiser for some deserving Wichita Falls organizations. I’m talking about Dancing for the Stars Wichita Falls.
Well, another Bowl For Kids' Sake fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita Falls has come and gone. I'm not sure exactly how much money was raised, but I do know that everyone had a good time.
In case you're just now deciding that you'd really like to support BBBS, the online donations pages will remain active for a few more days, click here to make a donation on the Lonestar Lucky Strik
Let the begging begin ...
We're getting down to the wire ... Or should I say "Tenth Frame" ... in this year's Bowl For Kids' Sake event to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita Falls!
There's a big screen TV incentive to become a Big, and now there's a VIP incentive to make a small donation.
Make a donation now on the Lonestar Lucky Strikes online donation page and we'll cr
Here we are, less than a week to go before the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl For Kids’ Sake event at Village Bowl! The teams are gearing up and collecting donations from across Wichita Falls to support an organization that’s been providing support and mentoring to at risk kids for more than 100 years.
You can help Frank, Joe and myself – collectively known as the Lonestar Lucky Strikes – help BBB
Well, we're getting closer to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita Falls Bowl For Kids' Sake event! The bowling will take place on Sunday, May 22nd at Village Bowl, but the Lonestar Lucky Strikes fund raising is going on now!
Chances are one of your co-workers has already hit you up for a couple bucks and explained to you what Big Brothers Big Sisters does in our community, but here's a little
It's time for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Wichita Falls Bowl for Kids Sake 2011!
I'm getting excited. Not only because this year Lonestar has its own team - The Lonestar Lucky Strikes - but because I had such a great time last year as part of the NIN Pin Heads.
My goals this year are simple. 1 - To beat the Pin Heads' score! 2- To raise more money for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Wichita Falls! N