Get ready to celebrate your independence at the 'Heroes of America Fireworks Show' at Apache Casino Hotel this 4th of July. It's going to be a huge party and you won't want to miss it.
For a lot of people the only thing that's scarier than a creepy clown, is a ghost clown! Talk about nightmare fuel, that's taking it to a whole new level of terror. Oh, but it gets even scarier. Add in the spectral presence of circus animals, performers, freaks, and even the spirits of deceased audience members and you've got an idea of what this place is all about. It's the old abandoned Gandini’s Circus Camp in Edmond, Oklahoma.
It was around this time last year that Oklahoma's most infamous and heinous true crime was finally solved. The horrific and terrifying Oklahoma Girl Scout murders.
It's a whole new batch of hilarious and offensive personalized vehicle plates that were denied by the Oklahoma DMV. The potty-mouthed perverts that submitted these had zero chance of getting approved.
We're all anxiously awaiting the new Twisters movie that should be out sometime summer 2024. While we're waiting why not visit the official Oklahoma Twister Movie Museum? If you're a fan you have to check this place out.
This historic mansion in Oklahoma is one of the most active hauntings in the Sooner State. If you're into the paranormal and ghost hunting this place offers the full gamut of terrifying ghostly experiences.
This place is legendary for its paranormal and even supernatural activity. It's one of the all-time creepiest, allegedly haunted, and nightmarish abandoned places in the entire Sooner State!
This is one small town that is probably better known for it's haunts, than small town charm. Most of the time when you talk about small towns in Oklahoma the conversation normally centers around how friendly they are, or how pretty the streets and buildings are, not about how haunted it is. There's a town an hour away from Lawton, Fort Sill that may be one of the most haunted small towns in all of Oklahoma.
Did you know that the most dangerous ghost town in the U.S. is located in Oklahoma? It's not so much the supernatural threat, but the place could literally kill you.
This small town in S.W. Oklahoma is the perfect place to go for a quick weekend getaway or spring/summer staycation. Honestly, it's great regardless of the season, anytime's a good time to go.
Celebrate 'Duke Days of May' by visiting the John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit in Fort Worth, TX. at the stockyards. Every Duke fan should make the trip and check it out for themselves.
Get ready for some nostalgia this Halloween thanks to McDonald's. They're bringing back the 'Halloween Bucket' Happy Meal in 2022 for a limited time and only while supplies last to participating restaurants.