A Border Patrol Agent is being credited for running into Robb Elementary School this week while an 18-year-old, who was armed with AR-15, was shooting kids and teachers.
Some parents believe that smart phones are too distracting for kids, and are now calling on schools to enforce stricter policies on cell phone use in school.
Some schools throughout our state have been closing due to Covid outbreaks the past few weeks. When I saw a Wichita Falls School was closing, my first thought was this. Nope, looks like some kids had some fun this past weekend.
We're a few months away from school resuming, but how will classes be starting back up. If it's back in the classroom, some folks want masks to be a requirement.
The academic calendar for the the start of 2020 was thrown a curve ball with the coronavirus. The Texas Education Agency is recommending three different options for schools to look at in the wake of everything going on.