Wichita Falls May Have Downtown Rooftop Bar by Spring of 2020
Downtown Wichita Falls has added a lot of fun businesses over the last few years, but there's one thing we don't have, and that's a rooftop restaurant or bar. But that may soon be changing!
According to Texoma's Homepage, the Wichita Falls city council just signed off on funding up to $133,000 from the 4B Sales Tax Corporation funds for renovations to the Filgo building at 10th and Indiana. The building currently houses Picker's Universe on the ground floor and the planned 2.5 million dollars in renovations would be for a restaurant and bar on the second floor with some rooftop seating.
The 24,000 square foot building was built by G.W. Filgo in 1929 and originally housed a hardware store. Developers hope to have the restaurant and bar open sometime in the spring of 2020.