Watch Will Ferrell Crash a Seattle Seahawks Zoom Team Meeting
Celebrities, they really are just like us: Trapped at home during the coronavirus and bored out of their minds.
Witness Will Ferrell, who spent this week crashing a team meeting of the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks held over Zoom. Ferrell (age 52) assumed the role of new Seahawks tight end Greg Olsen (age 35), pitched his role on the offense (“I’m here to catch some balls!”) and introduced a couple plays of his own unique design. (The “90 Go Flywheel Kanye Starburst” looks very promising.)
Watch “Greg” contribute to the Seahawks meeting below:
Ferrell, who was a kicker on his high school varsity football team, has had a lot of success mixing comedy and sports. The NASCAR spoofing Talladega Nights was just his second $100-million-grossing hit, and his chronicle of life in the American Basketball Association, Semi-Pro, might still be his single most underrated comedy. C’mon — who doesn’t love to watch Will Ferrell wrestle a bear?
Ferrell never made a full-on football movie (although he did try his, uh, foot at soccer with Kicking and Screaming), so perhaps this Zoom pop-in is research for an upcoming project. That would be something special to look forward to in this bleak time.
Gallery — The Best Movie Taglines of the Decade:
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