Young Man Set Up On Blind Date Walks on $3000 Dinner Tab
I get it, blind dates are tricky. You hope for the best but you're not sure what you're walking into so you typically pick something simple like drinks, coffee, maybe even a meal. That third option is what one pair of budding romantic partners tried the other day.
It. Ended. Badly.
Here's the story. According to LadBible.com a guy and girl in China were set up on a blind date by the morther of the young man. He was already 29 and she was beginning to worry about his romantic future. No biggie there, it happens all the time. They agreed on the time and place for an intimate, romantic dinner so they could get to know each other. After all, when your mother sets you up on a date you figure she's looking out for your best interests. Right?
But way, there's another mother involved. The mother of the young woman. Along with several other family members. All in all the young lady invited 23 family members to join her on this blind date. By the time the meal was done the total tab for the 25 people turned out to be about $3,000. That's about $120 per person so it must have been a nice meal.
It seems the young lady's plan was to test her potential paramour's generosity.
That idea backfired on her when he bolted and left her with the ticket.
I can't really say that I blame him. I mean he'd agreed to meet ONE PERSON for a blind date, she chose to test his generosity - and bank account - by inviting 23 relatives along. I suppose the polite thing would have been to say up front that everyone was going Dutch and paying their own tab, but if she's going to spring that on him on the first date maybe everyone got what they had coming.
The two apparently contacted each other later and he generously (I think) agreed to pay for his share of the meal.
There will be no second date.