Big Brothers Big Sisters Challenges You To Walk Across The Moon
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita County invites you to be a part of their Moon Shot: Across The Moon Challenge this Saturday evening (October 26th).
This city-wide event challenges our community to collectively walk the equivalent of the moon's diameter, 2,159.2 miles. Funds will be raised through sponsorships and by participants donating $10 for each mile they walk.
The Across The Moon Challenge takes place along the Sikes Lake Trail outside the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU and there will be plenty of activities going on besides the walking. There will be food trucks, music, kids entertainment and more from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. Prizes will even be awarded to participants based on miles covered.
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and what better way to celebrate it than to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita County. Signing up is easy, just click here.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita County plays a huge roll in the lives of many young people in our community, so lace up your walking shoes and make a few laps. You don't have to walk the whole distance, just your mile or two, this Saturday evening at Sikes Lake Trail.