World News

Is Kate Middleton Receiving Cancer Treatment in Houston, Texas?
Is Kate Middleton Receiving Cancer Treatment in Houston, Texas?
Is Kate Middleton Receiving Cancer Treatment in Houston, Texas?
The internet is buzzing about Kate Middleton again, but this time there are reports that she has been spotted in Houston, Texas, assuming she is receiving cancer treatment. But the consensus is agreed that no matter where the Princess of Wales is receiving cancer treatment, it's important that the American public and paparazzi respect her privacy.
Startling Video Reveals Open Gates Along Texas-Mexico Border
Startling Video Reveals Open Gates Along Texas-Mexico Border
Startling Video Reveals Open Gates Along Texas-Mexico Border
Breaking: Video Shows Gates Wide Open Along Texas-Mexico Border A recent video has come out showing something pretty concerning: gates meant to control who crosses the Texas-Mexico border are wide open. This raises big worries about keeping the border secure...

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