Dallas Uber Driver Drops off Cheating Husband and Mistress at His House
This Dallas Uber driver will have no part in your cheating schemes.
I recently published a story about Dallas and Fort Worth being the most unfaithful cities in the United States. Sure, there are cheaters everywhere, but cheating is especially rampant in the Metroplex. Here's a great example.
Of course, some will sit idly by and watch it all play out. But not this Uber Driver down in Dallas.

The driver, who uses the handle perfectly_unbroken on TikTok, shared the story of how she recently handled a pair of cheaters as a warning to anyone who engages in that sort of thing while catching a lift from her.
In a nutshell, she picked the man up from his home and watched while his wife and kids pleasantly said their goodbyes. After leaving his house, he told the driver he had added a stop.
When they got to the next location, a woman carrying luggage got in the Uber, greeted him with a kiss, and told him she wished he would just go ahead and leave his wife.
That’s when the driver turned around, took them both back to his house, and made them get out of the car. She left them standing there in his yard with their luggage.
While we don’t know how it ended for the cheaters, I’m guessing he didn’t bother to unpack as his wife most likely told him to hit the road.
Keep that in mind the next time you opt to use Uber for your extramarital activities.
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