Oh hell no.

Have I ever mentioned that I’m terrified of heights? So much so, that just watching the below video makes my hands sweat.

And the weird thing is that it wasn’t always that way for me.

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When I was younger, I would climb a tree or get up on the roof of a house in a heartbeat. Hell, my friends and I used to jump off of my mother’s garage onto a trampoline all the time.

But somewhere along the way that all changed for me.

Nowadays, my head starts to swim the moment I step out onto the roof of the five-story building that is home to our studios. And the feeling intensifies the closer I get to the edge.

So, of course, I like to keep my feet firmly on the ground.

But I will admit to being impressed by those who have no fear when it comes to scaling tall buildings, radio towers, etc. And in this day and age, the folks who are into that sort of thing usually strap on a GoPro camera so everyone can experience the breathtaking view.

The latest daredevil video comes from Downtown Dallas. A much braver soul than I who goes by the name of Adventure Dan took it upon himself to climb to the top of the 49-story Energy Plaza so the rest of us can take in the view from the safety of solid ground.

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