Gwen Stefani aired the newest installment of her Live From the Orange Grove holiday series on Monday (Dec. 20), featuring a very special guest: Her country superstar husband, Blake Shelton.

Stefani teased a celebrity cameo coming soon last week, when she first announced the series and shared the first installment.

Live From the Orange Grove finds the pop superstar revisited four of her favorite tracks off her 2017 live holiday album, You Make It Feel Like Christmas. The first of those was a performance of "My Gift Is You," followed by "Last Christmas." But during Shelton's appearance, they performed the album's title track, which was recorded as a duet between them.

The two performers deliver tight harmonies over an uptempo, fast-paced beat, with Shelton rocking a suit, boots and his wedding ring while Stefani dazzles in a silver, tinsel-esque gown. They're backed by a festive band and the series' titular orange grove in the distance.

Shelton and Stefani's "You Make It Feel Like Christmas" was the only duet they recorded together for Stefani's Christmas project, and Shelton co-wrote the song with Stefani, too, alongside Justin Tranter and producer/songwriter Busbee.

When they recorded "You Make It Feel Like Christmas," the two artists were still just dating. The pair sparked a romantic interest in 2015 after meeting on the set of The Voice, where both were coaches, and they got engaged five years later, finally tying the knot in an intimate ceremony on Shelton's Oklahoma ranch in July 2021. "You Make It Feel Like Christmas" was the couple's first duet, though it wouldn't be their last: Their joint effort, "Nobody But You," found a spot on Shelton's Fully Loaded: God's Country album and became a No. 1 country radio hit. They followed it up with another lovestruck collab, "Happy Anywhere."

Live From the Orange Grove airs on Stefani's Facebook. The live series promises four versions of tracks off You Make It Feel Like Christmas, which means one more performance is forthcoming.

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