Hear Bullets Whizzing Past Camera During Dallas Shootout
Terrifying Footage Captures Bullets Whizzing Past Camera During Dallas Shootout.
The video at the bottom of this article recently came out from Dallas, Texas.

It shows a shootout where bullets are flying everywhere, even past the camera. It's like being right there in the middle of the action.
Warning Shots
As the video opens, we see a group of young folks hanging out in a residential area of Dallas, Texas. We hear a single gunshot, which causes everybody to duck down. Someone mentions that a lady is shooting her gun into the air.
The camera pans up, and we see that indeed, this lady rascal is firing a handgun into the air multiple times. She fired six shots in this initial volley.
After a couple of seconds of silence, we then hear a slew of gunshots fired in return. One of the over twenty rounds fired in this second exchange can be her whizzing by the cameraman. At this point, everybody scrambles for cover.
Normally we berate the camera person for not recording the entirety of an event so that we can see the conclusion, but we can't blame him this time for dropping the camera and running for his life!
Check out the video below:
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