Hooray! It’s National Donut Day!
As a former baker, I feel uniquely qualified to tell you that today, June 5th, is National Donut Day.
Yes. Today is a day we set aside to treasure the sweet, delectable goodness created by frying some circular shaped dough or cake batter in a vat of hot grease and covering it with sugar. Just the thought makes my mouth water.
National Donut day was created in 1938 to honor the women who served donuts to the troops in World War I and was begun as a fund raiser for the Chicago Salvation Army. Their goal was to help women in need during the great depression.
Some interesting aspects of the donut, or doughnut, include the fact that it has two perfectly acceptable spellings. There are also two possible explanations about where the hole in the middle came from.
Other happy donut facts include the idea that they're not just for breakfast so feel free to chow down on one any time of the day.
The largest donut ever made was 16 feet in diameter, weighed nearly two tons and was jelly filled. Of course.
The most popular donut style in the United States is the classic glazed.
And perhaps the best donut fact of all is that the holes have absolutely no calories. You'll just have to trust me on this one. I mean, how many calories can there be in a donut 'hole'?
And ... If donuts aren't your thing, today is also National Gingerbread Day, National Moonshine Day, and National Veggie Burger Day. Although I really can't imagine eating a veggie burger and donut in the same day.