Houston Texans Cheerleader is Also a Forensic Scientist
Many cheerleaders have side jobs, I just didn't expect for them to be solving crimes.
In case you did not know this, being a professional cheerleader does not pay well. I think the most I've seen them make is around 200 bucks a game. Obviously, can't make a living doing that. So what Emily does is work in a lab in her off time.
She currently works for the Texas Department of Public Safety and is a forensic scientist. She has been doing this job for the past four years. She has master's degree in molecular biology and for the past three years has been a cheerleader for the Houston Texans. Emily said she juggles it all by staying very organized and packing all of her practice gear ahead of time, and even getting reminders from teammates who know her demanding schedule.
"With both of the jobs, I have to be detail oriented," she said. "My work at the lab has to be near perfect, everybody makes mistakes, and on the field we have to be near perfect with our routines, dancing as one." Emily says she got interested in forensics due to crime shows she would watch on television.
She also has a passion for dancing. Sadly, I don't think dancing forensic scientist is an official job anywhere, so she does both. Right now she's enjoying the off season, but can't wait for the fall when football season returns.