Not to throw a monkey wrench into your Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's plans, but ... Have you considered how you might do things differently in 2020, the year of the 'Rona?

Designer Looks, a furniture and bedding retailer, commissioned OnePoll to do a survey on how people were doing things differently this year and the results may surprise you. They may also get you thinking about what you may or may not do differently this year.

According to their survey, 71 percent said they felt an increased pressure to protect the health and safety of their guests.

To accomplish that nearly one third, 31 percent, said they plan to take the current temperature of each guest before allowing them into their home for any type of gathering.

54% indicated that they would do their best to ensure social distancing during those gatherings.

In order to reduce the likelihood of contamination, 61 percent indicated that they were considering having one person do all of the hosting. From preparing and serving the meals to pouring the drinks. The idea being that as long as that one person was not infected the other people in attendance were as safe as they could be.

64 percent said they are looking forward to their traditional Thanksgiving gathering but would most likely cut down on their guest list. Speaking of guest lists, nearly half of the respondents, 46 percent, indicated that they would maintain that guest list to be used for contact tracing should any of their holiday guests test positive to COVID-19 in the days and weeks following their celebration.

Then there are those leaning toward having a virtual Thanksgiving celebration. 40 percent said they were considering doing the holiday by way of a video call or Zoom get together rather than an in-person gathering. That was especially true for those with elderly family members.

Whether we like it or not, COVID-19 has impacted nearly every aspect of our day to day lives and that shows no likelihood of changing any time soon.

You can read more about this survey on

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