Is This Michael Jackson Bluegrass Remix So “Bad” It’s Good?
Every now and then a song gets remade by someone from a completely different style of music. Sometimes the remake is good. Sometimes it's bad. Sometimes it's so bad it's good. I'm really not sure what to think of this one but I wanted to share it with you.
The remake in question is a bluegrass version of Michael Jackson's classic pop hit, Bad. It comes complete with banjos, fiddles, and those high, lonesome vocal harmonies that make bluegrass ... well ... bluegrass.
The YouTube poster, There I Ruined It, even apologized for uploading the video.
The lyrics sounded odd, so I checked the original and I think they're the same words MJ was singing. The dance moves are correct since they just loaded their bluegrass music over his video footage.
The original version of Bad was released in August of 1987. That's so long ago that MTV was probably still playing music back then. (What ever happened to Martha Quinn? I may or may not still have a crush.)
In case you don't remember the hey-day of music videos in the '80s, here's how the King of Pop did it more than 20 years ago.
What do you think? Is the remake of Bad good? Is it a bad version of Bad? Or does it just leave you scratching your head wondering what the heck did I just watch?
Yup, me too.
(Secretly, I'm hoping he posts more.)