Ready for Mars? NASA Seeks Volunteers for Year-Long Simulation
An El Paso, Texas resident on the moon!? That could be possible, well, kind of.
NASA is seeking enthusiastic volunteers for a simulated one-year mission to Mars, a pivotal step in preparing for the future of space exploration and YOU could be that enthusiastic volunteer.
Set to launch in spring 2025, the groundbreaking initiative marks the second of three planned ground-based missions aimed at testing the feasibility of human travel to Mars.
Selected participants will reside and work within a 1,700-square-foot habitat at NASA's Houston Space Center, simulating the conditions future astronauts will encounter during their journey to Mars.
What are you expected to do throughout this whole year?
Well, according to NASA officials these volunteers will conduct simulated spacewalks, master robotic operations, maintain the habitat, exercise, and even grow crops!
So, volunteers will be immersed in every aspect of life on Mars.
What are the qualifications for something like this? Pretty simple actually.
NASA is looking for healthy, motivated individuals who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, aged 30 to 55, and proficient in English. Non-smokers with a strong desire for unique adventures and a passion for contributing to NASA's mission to Mars are encouraged to apply.
This mission isn't just about embarking on an exciting adventure—it's about shaping the course of history. By participating in this simulation, volunteers will play a crucial role in helping NASA plan for humanity's first journey to Mars.
The deadline for applications is fast approaching, with submissions closing on Tuesday, April 2nd.
So, if this sounds like something right up your alley and if you have a whole year's worth of PTO to take for this once in a lifetime experience then you should definitely seize this opportunity and apply now.
I’d apply, but my son would go insane without his mom for a whole year. Also, I don't have that kind of PTO so, sorry NASA. Maybe next time.
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Gallery Credit: Sandi Hemmerlein