Meals On Wheels Blanket And Sock Drive Dec 8th at Walmart
Here's a great way to give yourself - and someone else - the warm-fuzzies this Christmas.
The Kitchen and Meals On Wheels are holding their 3rd Annual Blanket and Sock Drive on Tuesday, December 8th.
They've even made it super easy for you to help someone stay warm this winter by placing their drop off point at the Walmart on Lawrence Road. Walmart even has blankets for just two and a half bucks right now.
The goal is to collect 1,000 fleece blankets and 1,000 pairs of warm, winter socks. These will be distributed to seniors, disabled, and homebound people in Wichita Falls.
THE Kitchen has been feeding the hungry in Wichita Falls for more than 50 years. From their location at the Red Door Activity Center THE Kitchen provides nutritional meals for four different programs in our area; The Red Door, The Green Door, the Kid's Cafe, and Meals on Wheels.
If you've ever volunteered to run a Meals on Wheels route you know how appreciative the recipients can be. Adding a warm blanket and some toasty socks only makes their holiday brighter. Volunteer drivers are always needed, here's how to apply.
While volunteering to do a daily or weekly Meals on Wheels route can be a big commitment, grabbing a blanket or two and some socks while you're already at Walmart doing your Christmas shopping is a piece of cake.
The Meals on Wheels Blanket and Sock Drive will be Tuesday, December 8th, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Walmart on Lawrence Road.