Off-Season MSU Cycling Team Making Local Package Deliveries
What's faster than your spouse figuring out how to spend your stimulus check? The MSU Mustangs Cycling Team delivery service!
According to News Channel 6, the MSU Texas Cycling team is getting in some slightly unorthodox training in while helping out their fellow Wichita Falls residents at the same time by delivering small packages to your home.
College athletic activity is at a standstill and their cycling season is over, but the Mustang cyclists wanted to give something back to the community that has supported them so much over the last few years so they're volunteering to deliver items that are small enough to be carried on a bicycle. Small grocery items like a gallon of milk or even some emergency toilet paper packages would be fine. Major home appliances probably wouldn't work very well. If it's a small package that you're sending to someone across town they can do that, too. To request a delivery to your home, send them an e-mail at cycling@msutexas.edu .
If you see some cyclists zipping around town with a loaded pack on their back remember to share the road.
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