Oklahoma Woman Wants to Have National Red Solo Cup DayOklahoma Woman Wants to Have National Red Solo Cup DayEvery day is some stupid national holiday, so I say why not! StrykerStryker
Two Texas Airports Lead the Nation in Flight CancellationsTwo Texas Airports Lead the Nation in Flight CancellationsKeep this in mind if you plan on flying this holiday season.Johnny ThrashJohnny Thrash
Possible Alcohol Shortage in Oklahoma This Holiday SeasonPossible Alcohol Shortage in Oklahoma This Holiday SeasonIt's the real Nightmare Before Christmas. We could be facing an alcohol shortage this holiday season. Oh' the humanity!CritterCritter
It Ain’t Christmas In Texas Until …It Ain’t Christmas In Texas Until …Texans ain't ready to start Christmas until the following requirements have been met.Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
What is Hanukkah?What is Hanukkah?How much do you really know about the holiday that kicks off tonight?Kacy CollinsKacy Collins
Kid Reactions to Awful Christmas Gifts [VIDEO]Kid Reactions to Awful Christmas Gifts [VIDEO]Maybe I'll give my kid a half-eaten sandwich for Christmas...Bethany LeeBethany Lee