Worrisome parents starting to panic while reading this article.

A new article from 24/7 Wall Street dealing with some pretty serious stuff. What states have a lot of teenagers doing high-risk activities? Things like, drinking, smoking, sex. They broke it down gave us a top twelve? I don't know why they did twelve, but OK.


Texas came in at number eleven in the entire country. I'll be honest, was prepared for us to be in the top five. Movies like 'Dazed and Confused' had we thinking like this my entire life. Here is the actual breakdown for Texas below.

Teen binge drinking rate: 13.4%
Teen smoking rate: 9.9%
Are sexually active: 32.7%
Text while driving: 55.2%
Graduation rate: 91.3%


23.1% of the students surveyed said they used no forms of birth control, which is the highest percentage in the whole country. Which is probably why Texas has the third highest teen pregnancy rate in the entire country. Texas teenagers also report some of the highest rates of attempted suicide and drunk driving.

Oklahoma comes in a little higher on the list. They rank sixth in the entire country.  In Oklahoma, some 4.2% of high schoolers report having had sexual intercourse before they were 13 years old, the fifth largest share of any state. An estimated 42.8% of high schoolers have had sex, and 11.4% have had sex with at least four partners. Oklahoma also has a high teen pregnancy rate as well. Their full breakdown is below.

Teen binge drinking rate: 14.2%
Teen smoking rate: 12.5%
Are sexually active: 28.4%
Text while driving: 45.7%
Graduation rate: 81.6%

Hopefully you parents are keeping an eye on the kids and knowing what they're up to. Cause the numbers don't lie.

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