As someone who grew up watching The Dukes of Hazzard, I've always enjoyed a good police chase.


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So, the video at the bottom of this article does not feature a chase, per se, but it does have a very Dukes of Hazzard vibe to it for sure.



As the video opens, we see a Dodge Charger pulled over by two Dallas Police SUV's. If there is one thing I know after watching hundreds of hours of YouTube videos from cop's body cameras, it is that if there is more than one police vehicle behind you during a traffic stop, you are most likely getting arrested.



Well, this rascal must have known that as well, because he decided to hit the gas and take off! I love how neither of the cops reacts. You would assume they would run back to their SUVs and start chasing the guy, but it looks like they are not that interested.




I will tell you this right now: Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane is probably turning over in his grave right now due to that lack of effort on these two police officer's part.


All kidding aside, this might actually be the best response by the cops since they already have his license plate number. Citizens do not need to be subjected to an unnecessary high-speed chase through their streets.


Check out the video below:

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