Win Tickets to the Wichita County Mounted Patrol Tractor Pull
This year's event features eight classes of tractors and trucks and that means tons of high revving, smoke belching, tire spinning fun for the whole family.
If you've never been to a tractor pull before, here's the general idea. Each truck or tractor gets hitched up to the sled. The farther they pull the sled down the course, the farther the weights move toward the front of the sled. The farther up the weights are the more sliding resistance the sled has and the harder it gets to pull it. The truck or tractor that pulls its sled the farthest in any given class wins.
Sometimes they make it part way down the track and spin to a stop, sometimes it seems like they could pull it all the way out of the arena.
The event is family friendly, but if you or your child has problems with loud noises you might want to bring some sort of ear protectors. Mufflers are in short supply at tractor pulls.
The Wichita County Mounted Patrol has graciously provided us with some Family Four Packs of tickets to give away and if you want a shot at them, just open the 102.3 The Bull app on your phone, hit the "Message Us" button and write "Tractor Pull."
You'll get an acknowledgement message when you send it, then we'll pick some winners the week of the Tractor Pull. Watch for a notification that you've won so we can tell you how to claim your tickets.
The pulling starts at 6:30 Friday and Saturday night, October 2nd and 3rd, at the Wichita County Mounted Patrol Arena on FM 369.
Tickets are also available at Cavender's, Mike's Towing, and Hicks Off Road.
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