A young woman's peaceful walk turned into a nightmare after encountering a mysterious figure known as the Texas Bushman.

The Texas Bushman, also known as the "Camouflage King," has been the subject of numerous viral videos on social media. He is known for his ability to blend into his surroundings and scare unsuspecting victims with his sudden appearance.

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The Texas Bushman has faced criticism for his scare tactics, with some arguing that he is endangering people's safety. However, he maintains that his pranks are harmless and that he only intends to bring laughter and entertainment to his viewers.

But it is funny, right?

The video below shows the young couple approaching what looks to be a normal bush, just doing bush things and minding its own business when all of a sudden it comes to life!  It's the Bushman!  The young man looks as if he was in on the prank, but his date screams bloody murder.

Probably didn't expect that reaction.

This poor girl goes into a straight-up panic attack.  Usually in these prank videos, immediately after realizing what s going on, the person starts laughing at themselves for getting scared.  Not this time.  She starts trembling, clutching her mouth, and you can hear her starting to hyperventilate as they walk by.

So, I guess it's not funny?

Obviously, her fella didn't think he would get this reaction.  Hopefully, their day wasn't ruined.  Note to self: Cancel that surprise birthday party you were planning for her. Check out the video for yourself below and keep scrolling for the best comments.


Texas Bushman sends young woman into a panic attack (her BF set her up but didn't think it would turn out like this)
by u/The_RP_Critic in PublicFreakout

Comment by u/NecramoniumZero from discussion Texas Bushman sends young woman into a panic attack (her BF set her up but didn't think it would turn out like this) in PublicFreakout

by u/Dieter_Knutsen from discussion Texas Bushman sends young woman into a panic attack (her BF set her up but didn't think it would turn out like this)
in PublicFreakout

by u/GillzZ_22 from discussion Texas Bushman sends young woman into a panic attack (her BF set her up but didn't think it would turn out like this)
in PublicFreakout

by u/SatoshiBlockamoto from discussion Texas Bushman sends young woman into a panic attack (her BF set her up but didn't think it would turn out like this)
in PublicFreakout

by u/FrostyD7 from discussion Texas Bushman sends young woman into a panic attack (her BF set her up but didn't think it would turn out like this)
in PublicFreakout

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