Your 2022 Hotter’N Hell Hundred Weekend Schedule in Wichita Falls is Here!
This is going to be the busiest weekend in Wichita Falls and here is a breakdown of everything going down.
Can't remember the last time that Rider VS Old High and the Hotter'N Hell Hundred were taking place on the same weekend. It is about to be busy in the Falls. Of course we all know about the big ride on Saturday, but the Hotter'N Hell Hundred is more than just that 100 mile ride. We have events going on the next four days and here is what you can expect to see.
Thursday, August 25, 2022: The First Day of HHH Festivities!
3:00 PM: The Consumer Show opens in the Exhibit Hall of the Multi-Purpose Events Center.
3:00 PM: Sports Massage at MPEC
4:00 PM: Packet Pickup and late registration open at the Exhibit Hall.
4:00 PM: Wee-Chi-Tah Off-Road events registration begins at the Exhibit Hall.
8:00 PM: All Activities close.
Friday, August 26, 2022: The Celebration Begins!
7:00 AM: Wee-Chi-Tah Off-Road Mountain Bike registration begins - Bridwell Ag Center.
8:00 AM: Wee-Chi-Tah Off-Road Mountain Bike Trail Races begin – Bridwell Ag Center
9:00 AM – Noon - Medical Symposium – Seminar Room
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Medical Symposium continues
1:00 PM: Consumer Show begins.
1:00 PM: Sports Massage at MPEC. Loosen up for the day ahead.
2:00 PM: Packet Pickup and registration open in the Exhibit Hall for Ride, Race and Trail Runs.
3:00 PM: Michelob Ultra Finish Line Village Opens
5:30 PM: Spaghetti Dinner Offered by MPEC Food & Hospitality - lower level of the Coliseum.
5:30 PM: USA Cycling racers Criterium begins at 900 8th Street.
Great races to watch at 900 8th St in front on 8th St Coffee House! – 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
7:00 PM: Start Smart/Ride Smart “How to have a successful ride at the HHH” Presented by Bikin’ Mike Keel – Author of “Train Smart” - MPEC Seminar Room;
8:45 PM: Race Official’s Meeting – HHH Bldg – 104 Scott St. (USA Cycling Officials only).
9:00 PM: Spaghetti Dinner closes
9:00 PM: Consumer Show, Finish Line Village Close
10:00PM: Registrations, and Packet Pickup Close
Saturday, August 27, 2022: The Heat is On! The Ride and Road Races Begin!
5:00 AM: Breakfast buffet offered by MPEC Food & Hospitality - lower level of the Coliseum. (Showers available)
5:30 AM: Packet Pickup and Late Registration in the Exhibit Hall. (USA Cycling racers - no registration)
5:30 AM: Morning Praise and Worship (3rd and Lamar)
6:45 AM: USA Cycling Road Races begin at Lincoln St and Burkburnett Rd.
7:00 AM: Registration for the Ride closes
7:05 AM: Flyover
7:05 AM: Cannon Blast and the official start of the Endurance ride for 100 miler riders, 75mile, 100k,50mile, 25mile and 10k routes (Golden Wheel and Tandems start at 2nd Street)
8:00 AM: Michelob Ultra Finish Line Village & Food Court opens at 2nd and Lamar
8:00 AM: Breakfast Closes
9:00 AM: The Consumer Show Opens
9:00 AM: Sports Massage at the Consumer Show opens
9:30 AM: USA Cycling Road Races finish on Ohio St between 9th & 10th St. Awards will be presented around Noon (based on category completion time) on the Finish Line Village Concert Stage.
10:15AM > 3:30 PM: Outdoor Concert at 2nd and Lamar.
2:00 PM: Consumer Show Closes
5:00 PM: 0.5k and Block Party Activities begin at 709 Indiana St.
5:00 PM: Michelob Ultra Finish Line Village & Outdoor Concert closes
7:05 PM: Wee-Chi-Tah Gravel Grinder Official Start & Finish at the Wichita Falls Brewing Company, 701 Indiana.
Sunday, August 28, 2022: Wrap up The Triple Threat & The Quadzilla
7:00AM:Wee-Chi-Tah Off-Road Trail Run, 10k, and Half Marathon
7:00AM: USAC Cycling Criterium Begins at 8th & Scott Streets
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