9th Street Studios Hosts ‘Organized Chaos’ Artist Open House
The 9th Street Studios at the corner of 9th Street and Travis is one of those fun, unexpected, how did I not know this was here, places that makes Wichita Falls unique. The individual studios are filled by various working artists and the common area in the center has been host to numerous artistic events from sketch artists to musical performances, to just about anything artistic you can think of. Their next event is called "Organized Chaos: Visions of Nature from Glen Bacus and Bobby Dove" and takes place on Friday, August 9th.
Bobby Dove is a Wichita Falls native and owns Dove's Jewelers in Parker Square. He's also very well known for his water color paintings and that's what he's bringing to this event.
Glen Bacus, on the other hand, was born in California and moved to Wichita Falls in 2001. His colorful acrylic paintings have been described as 'Pop Modernist" and exude energy and vibrance.
Everyone is invited to attend the Organized Chaos event on August 9th to see the works of art, meet the artists and enjoy one of Wichita Falls' hidden treasures. If you're lucky you might even get to ride the vintage freight elevator!
The event will run from 6:00 until 9:00 p.m. at 9th Street Studios on the 2nd floor of the Farmer's Insurance building at 920 9th Street and there is no charge to attend.
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