‘Affluenza Teen’ Ethan Couch Released from Jail Monday Morning
After serving two years in jail for violating his probation, the infamous 'Affluenza Teen' was released from prison Monday morning.
One week shy of his 21st birthday, Ethan Couch completed his prison sentence as part of his punishment for violating his probation. Couch gained notoriety five years ago with his afluenza legal defense. At 16, Couch was driving drunk in Forth Worth and struck a family on the side of the road, killing them. Couch's lawyers successfully argued that his rich and privileged upbringing made him incapable of understanding right and wrong, resulting in Couch avoiding jail and being given probation. While on probation, Couch was photographed consuming alcohol, violating his probation, so he and his mother fled to Mexico. Upon returning to the country, Couch, now a legal adult, was sentenced to serve a prison sentence.
Couch left the Tarrant County Detention Center Monday morning around 9am, and was taken directly to the adult probation office to be fitted with an ankle monitor that will also test him for alcohol. Couch will remain under probation until 2024, during which he will have a nightly curfew and can only take prescribed medications. As reported by Fox 4, Couch's attorneys have asked the public to give Couch privacy,
He will now serve the remaining six years of his period of community supervision under the terms and conditions imposed by the court. From the beginning, Ethan has admitted his conduct, accepted responsibility for his actions and felt true remorse for the terrible consequences for those actions. Now nearly five years after this horrific event, Ethan does not wish to draw attention to himself and requests privacy so he may focus on successfully completing his community supervision and going forward as a law-abiding citizen.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving isn't convinced that Couch is as remorseful as his attorneys say. Colleen Sheehey-Church, the national president of MADD, said,
He killed four people. I mean, these people were on the side of the road helping others. It was a grave injustice. Unfortunately, watching this particular young man was very tough to watch because there was no remorse.
Couch's mother has been serving probation for her part in helping her son flee to Mexico. She was arrested last week after failing a drug and alcohol test.
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