If you're an outdoorsy person and love to stay up late. Be sure you take a look at the sky on Saturday.

The Geminid meteor shower is apparently visible now, through December 17th. However, you will be able to get your best look on December 13th which is this Sunday. You maybe able to spot some around 7:30 that night, but your best chance to see it will be around two in the morning on the 14th.

So if you don't have to work on Monday, stay up late and check it out. Getting away from man-made light will offer the best view of the meteor shower. While using binoculars or a telescope can help get a closer look, The Farmer’s Almanac recommends leaving those at home and looking at the whole sky, not just a small part of the shower.

They also say you can expect to see an average of 75 meteors per hour during the Geminids’ peak. The only thing that maybe an issue for us on Sunday. We do have a chance of rain that day. So clouds don't make for the best viewing experience. Hopefully, that goes away so we can all enjoy a lovely view of this.

The meteors can appear anywhere in the sky, but you’ll have the best luck by gazing at whatever part of the sky is darkest at your location. Avoid looking at your cell phone or other lights during the meteor shower, as this will hurt your night vision. The shower is best when the Moon is absent, but if it happens to be around, try to face away from it when looking for meteors. Its light pollution will affect the whole sky, but viewing will be worse closer to the Moon.

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