Halloween Trees Are Growing Trend In 2020
It's not so much a new holiday tradition as it is a mashup of a couple that we already have. If you've been wondering what the next trend will be for this crazy year we call 2020, this may be it. Halloween trees.
Yup, Halloween trees.
The concept is pretty simple, you pull your Christmas tree out of the closet or wherever it is that you store it during the off season, dig out your Halloween decorations, and get busy.
This isn't really the ungodly offspring of 2020 since it's actually been a thing for a few years now, but the way this year is going ... Why the heck not?
When you think about it, there's no reason your Christmas tree has to be put away ten or eleven months of the year, good artificial trees are expensive, get all the use you can out of it!
Just leave it out and redecorate it for whatever the next holiday might be. It's a natural for Valentine's Day. Memorial Day and Independence Day should be easy enough. Not sure what you'd do for Labor Day but here we are in the middle of August and many people are already setting them up for Halloween.
The growing trend caught the attention of FOX News and they have several examples of festive trees for the spooky season.
After Halloween you could go with Thanksgiving or just jump right back to Christmas.
Considering all of the other madness going on this year, a Halloween tree doesn't seem all that far-fetched at all.