Well, we're getting closer to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita Falls Bowl For Kids' Sake event! The bowling will take place on Sunday, May 22nd at Village Bowl, but the Lonestar Lucky Strikes fund raising is going on now!

Chances are one of your co-workers has already hit you up for a couple bucks and explained to you what Big Brothers Big Sisters does in our community, but here's a little more information for you.

Think about this, a child between 6 and 14 has only one parent in their life. That parent is stretched to the limit trying to put food on the table, and even though they're doing the best they can, they could use a little help. That's where Big Brothers Big Sisters comes in. They match the child, also known as the "Little", with an adult volunteer, the "Big."

The Big doesn't really have to do anything amazing, just be there for their Little. Pick them up from school, take them out to eat, let them help wash the dog, or maybe ... go bowling. Ask a Big or a Little and they'll tell you, it's really not complicated, but the benefits for the Little and our community are nothing short of astounding. Littles who get to spend time with a Big are 52% less likely to skip school, they're 46% less likely to start using drugs and they have much better relationships with their parents, teachers and peers. Think about the long term benefits this has for not only the Little, but for the entire community!

Aside from being a lot of fun for everyone involved, Bowl For Kids' Sake raises much needed funds to keep the Wichita Falls chapter of the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization strong and growing in our community. At any given time there may be 40 to 60 kids waiting for a Big, and while not everyone has the time to be a Big, for the cost off a couple gourmet cappuccinos you can help support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita Falls and the difference they make in our community.


Dave D.

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