Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl For Kids Sake 2011 – Recap
Well, another Bowl For Kids' Sake fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita Falls has come and gone. I'm not sure exactly how much money was raised, but I do know that everyone had a good time.
In case you're just now deciding that you'd really like to support BBBS, the online donations pages will remain active for a few more days, click here to make a donation on the Lonestar Lucky Strikes page.
There were three sessions for the bowlers and the Lucky Strikes, along with our sister station's team, the 92.9 NIN Pin Heads, drew the first session beginning at 1:00pm.
Anthony Patterson has been active in the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization in Wichita Falls for some time and brought his "Little" with him to the afternoon's activities. Anthony started the event by telling us of a friend of his, someone he'd gone to school with for years, who made a wrong turn and ended up making some really bad decisions which had devastating effects on his life. When Anthony asked him what happened he replied that he had no adult male role model in his life to show him the way. That was when it clicked with Anthony how important an organization like Big Brothers Big Sisters can be in the life of a child.
Appropriately, it was Anthony's Little Brother that rolled out the first ball, and the bowling was under way!
While a large part of a Bowl For Kids' Sake event is the fundraising, the bowling turns out to be a big party with your team members and everyone else who was involved. The Lonestar Lucky Strikes was made up of Joe Cayden, Frank Seres and myself.
Of the three of us, it was obvious that Frank had the most experience on the lanes. As it turns out, he had the high score both of the games that we threw.
Maybe that will make him the default captain next year.
Events like Bowl For Kids' Sake would not be successful without the support of local sponsors, and this year's list includes: Wichita Falls Pride In The Falls, American National Bank, Texoma Community Credit Union, Vernon College, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Lunn's Colonial Funeral Home, Shana & Max Vordenbaum, Best Buy and the Times Record News along with everyone who sponsored a team, bowler, or just made a donation.
On behalf of the Lonestar Lucky Strikes and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wichita Falls, thank you all very, very much!
Not near a radio? Click here to listen to Lonestar 102..3 online.
Dave D.