It's time for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Wichita Falls Bowl for Kids Sake 2011!

I'm getting excited. Not only because this year Lonestar has its own team - The Lonestar Lucky Strikes - but because I had such a great time last year as part of the NIN Pin Heads.

My goals this year are simple. 1 - To beat the Pin Heads' score! 2- To raise more money for Big Brothers  Big Sisters in Wichita Falls! Not necessarily in that order.

What is Big Brothers Big Sisters? I'm glad you asked.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is not your typical organization. They help children realize their potential and build their futures. They nurture children and strengthen communities. And they couldn’t do any of it without you.

Big Brothers Big Sisters believes that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. Most children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters live in single-parent and low-income families, or households where a parent is incarcerated.

As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”).

Providing a system of ongoing evaluation and support, Big Brothers Big Sisters is proven by independent studies to help families by improving the odds that Littles will perform better in school and avoid violence and illegal activities, and have stronger relationships with their parents and others.

For more information about Big Brothers Big Sisters, visit their website,

To help raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Wichita Falls and to help make a difference in families right here in our community visit my fundraising page and make a secure online donation.

This year's event will be held at Village Bowl on Sunday afternoon, May 22nd and everyone is invited to come out and join the party. I'll let you know when the Lucky Strikes will begin bowling in a later post.


Dave D.

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