Someone in Wichita Falls is BIG Mad About the Texas Rangers Coverage in Our City
Working in any media, you're going to get some angry voicemails from folks. Some guy in Wichita Falls left over a two minute voicemail to one our news stations that I just had to share.
I think all of us who work in media just need to start sharing some of the weird voicemails we get. Some of you people in Wichita Falls with your weird complaints sometimes do crack me up. For instance, local sports reporter for KFDX Tobin McDuff shared a hilarious voicemail he got recently.
Now did Tobin, not cover a local high school sports team? No. Did Tobin drop a curse word on the air? No. Tobin got a complaint for LITERALLY doing his job. The viewer is upset that Tobin is covering the Texas Rangers. Yes, the professional baseball team closest to us in Wichita Falls.
Tobin, how dare you even think of covering a team in Dallas! Are you insane? You should listen to this voicemail and cover the Yankees. Yes the team that I hate with a passion. Wichita Falls news stations listen up, we need a Yankees minute in our city stat! To the viewer that left this voicemail for Tobin, let me politely tell you to go f*** yourself.
Yeah, the Rangers aren't good this year, but it's Tobin's job to cover the local Wichita Falls teams and the Dallas teams. You literally wasted your time calling into the news stations asking them to not cover the Rangers. Also, I am sure you're one of those bandwagon Ranger fans that will hop on board once they start doing good.
You're probably the type of fan that the first gear you bought for the team was those stupid deer shirts. Finally, you're probably mad the Rangers lost the season series to my Baltimore Orioles. Hopefully the Rangers, and my Orioles, can compete for the playoffs in a few years so you can hop back on that bandwagon.